This news about proposal to create so called marriage insurance (but really divorce insurance) could have been ignored but for the fact that this idea about divorce insurance is proposed by Chief Justice of High Court of Andhra Pradesh, and it has been supported by highest insurance regulatory body in India, the IRDA. So when the biggies are behind some force-the-divorce idea, we have a nagging suspicion that the divorce/domestic violence industry could be behind it.
Category Archives: articles
IPC 498a arrests, conviction rate, statistics show gross abuse of human rights
It is no hidden secret that IPC 498a is a weapons of human rights abuse of husband and his family/relatives, and judiciary including Supreme Court has given instances of its gross misuse and directives to government and law ministry for prevention of IPC 498a misuse and amendments. Some police circulars have been issued in various states to prevent arbitrary arrests under 498a, but they are often not followed by police. The suggestion to law ministry for amending 498a has also been pending for 2 years.
“Male Privilege to Die” certificates for feminists’ male family members
In a recent discussion on a TV channel about men’s suicides in India, the woman panelist gave some interesting opinions about the importance (or lack of it) of men’s suicides. The video is linked below.
At 36:00 min, the woman makes a comments which would gladden the hearts of all radical feminists. She says:
World needs more ‘worst husbands’ like Einstein
There is a trend in media and society to discredit and denigrate all men in general, and so it should come as no surprise that the personal life and reputation of someone like Albert Einstein could also not have been immune to such perfidious onslaught.
Indian women learning filing IPC 498a cases on husbands doesn’t pay
Here is a recent news which sounds interesting in the vein of “dog bites man” variety, but it hides more than it discloses. We attempt to give the hidden story which has not been shared with the readers of news below:
Domestic violence by mothers and Social engineering in Malaysia
A recent government survey in Malaysia reveals that more child abuse is done by mothers than fathers. So much for the feminist propaganda which shows men and fathers are perpetual perpetrators of domestic violence and women and children as hapless victims.
Photos from 26th May Dharna
A few photographs are below:
The dharna goes into gear at Town Hall!
Quota for men students may be good idea
Recent news mentioned about proposal in St Stephen’s college, Delhi about instituting 40% quota for men in admissions.
To preserve what was once an all “male” bastion, the Supreme Council of St Stephen’s College has decided to reserve 40 per cent of seats in the college for male students.
Find ‘Equality’ in Japan’s Domestic Violence Act!
India’s PWDVA (Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005) is well known for its steadfast refusal of acknowledging that violence inside a home can be against other members of family except wives/live-in women partners. The name of the act itself says it all that it is only to grant relief to women, and the content of the act makes it clear it is only for women living in relationship of nature of wife with a man.
Press release against cabinet approval of Marriage Laws Amendment Bill, 2010
29th Mar, 2012
Centre for Men’s Rights ( aims to promote men’s welfare and their human rights and prevent abuse of men’s rights. We aim to reduce suicide rate of men and create more acceptability and choices for men in society.
Centre for Men’s Rights strongly condemn approval by union cabinet recently to changes in Hindu Marriage Act under “Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010”.