Surely men and women are equal, and the gender gap is decreasing.
According to recent news below, there are more elderly women in India than men. So the reason Indian men are dying earlier than women is because of gender gap?
Note: Feminocratic norms of calculating gender gap ignore any area where women are ahead than men. World bank follows same approach in its gender gap reporting, so you should just shut your mouth about statistics like higher number of women graduates in many developed nations, more male suicides in all countries, and women living longer than men of course.
Women take the lead in India’s grey march
Kounteya Sinha TNN
New Delhi: India may have a young population, but the number of those aged above 60 is rising rapidly too — and women are now a majority in this segment. This is in line with the trend in developed countries, where women tend to live longer than men.
The Registrar General of India’s (RGI) latest data from the Sample Registration System (SRS), 2010, has confirmed feminization of India’s elderly. Data sent to the Union health ministry on Saturday shows that the percentage of women in the age group of 60 years and above is higher in 17 out of 20 large states.The difference in percentage of elderly women compared with 60-plus men is most acute in states like Andhra Pradesh (8.4 women to 7.1 men), Chhattisgarh (7.1 to 5.9), Gujarat (8.3 to 6.8), Haryana (6.9 to 5.3), Maharashtra (9.7 to 8.7), Punjab (9.4 to 8.4) and Rajasthan (7.4 to 6.2). The Union health ministry expects 51% of the elderly population will be women by 2016.
Only three states — Assam, Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir — have more elderly men than women.
The number of 60-plus women as a percentage of all women is highest in Kerala (12.6%), Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu (10.3% each).
Overall, nearly 7.5% of India’s population is aged 60 years and above. In rural India, 7.5% of the population is above 60, and the corresponding figure is 7% in urban areas.
Kerala (11.8), Himachal Pradesh (10.1%) and Tamil Nadu (10%) have the highest percentage of elderly in the country, followed by Maharashtra (9.2), Punjab (8.9) and Odisha (8.7). Jharkhand (5.7), Assam (5.5) and Delhi (5.7) record the lowest percentage.
According to United Nations estimates, the global population of those aged 60 years and above will more than double — from 542 million in 1995 to about 1.2 billion in 2025. ‘1 in every 4 elderly people is depressed’
New Delhi: “On account of better education, health facilities and increase in life expectancy, the percentage of elderly population (60+) has gone up from 6% to 7%,” a Sample Registration System report says.